what a the various kind of jaw plates

3 Plate Motions and Boundaries

There are three types of plate boundaries divergent = plates move apart and oceanic lithosphere is created by seafloor spreading convergent = plates converge together and oceanic lithosphere is recycled consumed by subduction

Chimaeras The Neglected Chondrichthyans

Chimaeras — The Neglected Chondrichthyans The class Chondrichthyes is usually divided into two sub classes The sharks and rays belong to the subclass Elasmobranchii and the chimaeras also known as ratfishes and

Dental braces

Dental braces also known as crooked teeth and various other flaws of the teeth and jaw The fitting process can vary between different types of braces

Dental Implants

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots placed in the jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge for those who have lost a The various types include

Jaw anatomy

Jaw Jaw either of a in leeches of the order Gnathobdellida the three toothed plates in the pharynx and in cephalopods Select feedback type Submit

The Geological Society

The Geological Society Plate The name literally means dog jaw the distribution of these four fossil types form linear and continuous patterns of